4,158 research outputs found

    An Online Approach to Dynamic Channel Access and Transmission Scheduling

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    Making judicious channel access and transmission scheduling decisions is essential for improving performance as well as energy and spectral efficiency in multichannel wireless systems. This problem has been a subject of extensive study in the past decade, and the resulting dynamic and opportunistic channel access schemes can bring potentially significant improvement over traditional schemes. However, a common and severe limitation of these dynamic schemes is that they almost always require some form of a priori knowledge of the channel statistics. A natural remedy is a learning framework, which has also been extensively studied in the same context, but a typical learning algorithm in this literature seeks only the best static policy, with performance measured by weak regret, rather than learning a good dynamic channel access policy. There is thus a clear disconnect between what an optimal channel access policy can achieve with known channel statistics that actively exploits temporal, spatial and spectral diversity, and what a typical existing learning algorithm aims for, which is the static use of a single channel devoid of diversity gain. In this paper we bridge this gap by designing learning algorithms that track known optimal or sub-optimal dynamic channel access and transmission scheduling policies, thereby yielding performance measured by a form of strong regret, the accumulated difference between the reward returned by an optimal solution when a priori information is available and that by our online algorithm. We do so in the context of two specific algorithms that appeared in [1] and [2], respectively, the former for a multiuser single-channel setting and the latter for a single-user multichannel setting. In both cases we show that our algorithms achieve sub-linear regret uniform in time and outperforms the standard weak-regret learning algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in MobiHoc 201

    Redundancy Scheduling with Locally Stable Compatibility Graphs

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    Redundancy scheduling is a popular concept to improve performance in parallel-server systems. In the baseline scenario any job can be handled equally well by any server, and is replicated to a fixed number of servers selected uniformly at random. Quite often however, there may be heterogeneity in job characteristics or server capabilities, and jobs can only be replicated to specific servers because of affinity relations or compatibility constraints. In order to capture such situations, we consider a scenario where jobs of various types are replicated to different subsets of servers as prescribed by a general compatibility graph. We exploit a product-form stationary distribution and weak local stability conditions to establish a state space collapse in heavy traffic. In this limiting regime, the parallel-server system with graph-based redundancy scheduling operates as a multi-class single-server system, achieving full resource pooling and exhibiting strong insensitivity to the underlying compatibility constraints.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Asymptotically Optimal Load Balancing Topologies

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    We consider a system of NN servers inter-connected by some underlying graph topology GNG_N. Tasks arrive at the various servers as independent Poisson processes of rate λ\lambda. Each incoming task is irrevocably assigned to whichever server has the smallest number of tasks among the one where it appears and its neighbors in GNG_N. Tasks have unit-mean exponential service times and leave the system upon service completion. The above model has been extensively investigated in the case GNG_N is a clique. Since the servers are exchangeable in that case, the queue length process is quite tractable, and it has been proved that for any λ<1\lambda < 1, the fraction of servers with two or more tasks vanishes in the limit as NN \to \infty. For an arbitrary graph GNG_N, the lack of exchangeability severely complicates the analysis, and the queue length process tends to be worse than for a clique. Accordingly, a graph GNG_N is said to be NN-optimal or N\sqrt{N}-optimal when the occupancy process on GNG_N is equivalent to that on a clique on an NN-scale or N\sqrt{N}-scale, respectively. We prove that if GNG_N is an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph with average degree d(N)d(N), then it is with high probability NN-optimal and N\sqrt{N}-optimal if d(N)d(N) \to \infty and d(N)/(Nlog(N))d(N) / (\sqrt{N} \log(N)) \to \infty as NN \to \infty, respectively. This demonstrates that optimality can be maintained at NN-scale and N\sqrt{N}-scale while reducing the number of connections by nearly a factor NN and N/log(N)\sqrt{N} / \log(N) compared to a clique, provided the topology is suitably random. It is further shown that if GNG_N contains Θ(N)\Theta(N) bounded-degree nodes, then it cannot be NN-optimal. In addition, we establish that an arbitrary graph GNG_N is NN-optimal when its minimum degree is No(N)N - o(N), and may not be NN-optimal even when its minimum degree is cN+o(N)c N + o(N) for any 0<c<1/20 < c < 1/2.Comment: A few relevant results from arXiv:1612.00723 are included for convenienc

    Mixing Properties of CSMA Networks on Partite Graphs

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    We consider a stylized stochastic model for a wireless CSMA network. Experimental results in prior studies indicate that the model provides remarkably accurate throughput estimates for IEEE 802.11 systems. In particular, the model offers an explanation for the severe spatial unfairness in throughputs observed in such networks with asymmetric interference conditions. Even in symmetric scenarios, however, it may take a long time for the activity process to move between dominant states, giving rise to potential starvation issues. In order to gain insight in the transient throughput characteristics and associated starvation effects, we examine in the present paper the behavior of the transition time between dominant activity states. We focus on partite interference graphs, and establish how the magnitude of the transition time scales with the activation rate and the sizes of the various network components. We also prove that in several cases the scaled transition time has an asymptotically exponential distribution as the activation rate grows large, and point out interesting connections with related exponentiality results for rare events and meta-stability phenomena in statistical physics. In addition, we investigate the convergence rate to equilibrium of the activity process in terms of mixing times.Comment: Valuetools, 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, October 9-12, 2012, Carg\`ese, Franc

    Slow transitions, slow mixing and starvation in dense random-access networks

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    We consider dense wireless random-access networks, modeled as systems of particles with hard-core interaction. The particles represent the network users that try to become active after an exponential back-off time, and stay active for an exponential transmission time. Due to wireless interference, active users prevent other nearby users from simultaneous activity, which we describe as hard-core interaction on a conflict graph. We show that dense networks with aggressive back-off schemes lead to extremely slow transitions between dominant states, and inevitably cause long mixing times and starvation effects.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Achievable Performance in Product-Form Networks

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    We characterize the achievable range of performance measures in product-form networks where one or more system parameters can be freely set by a network operator. Given a product-form network and a set of configurable parameters, we identify which performance measures can be controlled and which target values can be attained. We also discuss an online optimization algorithm, which allows a network operator to set the system parameters so as to achieve target performance metrics. In some cases, the algorithm can be implemented in a distributed fashion, of which we give several examples. Finally, we give conditions that guarantee convergence of the algorithm, under the assumption that the target performance metrics are within the achievable range.Comment: 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing - 201

    Universality of Load Balancing Schemes on Diffusion Scale

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    We consider a system of NN parallel queues with identical exponential service rates and a single dispatcher where tasks arrive as a Poisson process. When a task arrives, the dispatcher always assigns it to an idle server, if there is any, and to a server with the shortest queue among dd randomly selected servers otherwise (1dN)(1 \leq d \leq N). This load balancing scheme subsumes the so-called Join-the-Idle Queue (JIQ) policy (d=1)(d = 1) and the celebrated Join-the-Shortest Queue (JSQ) policy (d=N)(d = N) as two crucial special cases. We develop a stochastic coupling construction to obtain the diffusion limit of the queue process in the Halfin-Whitt heavy-traffic regime, and establish that it does not depend on the value of dd, implying that assigning tasks to idle servers is sufficient for diffusion level optimality